Will The 4 Cycle Solution Help Me Lose Weight?

Saturday, 19 October 2013
The hard truth is that there if no book, guide, pill, method, technique, etc. that will help you lose weight if you do not apply yourself. These methods only work, if you work them. The key word is effort. That’s what will help you lose weight. Are you willing to put in the effort? Are you willing to walk the talk? To do what you need...
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Will Carb Cycling Help Me To Become Muscular and Lean?

Saturday, 19 October 2013
Definitely. Carb cycling when done correctly is one of the best ways to trim off the fat and retain your muscle mass. Many men are constantly looking for a way to burn off fat and gain muscle at the same time. Carb cycling is the answer. The worry that most men have is that they will lose muscle mass along with their fat. This is true with conventional dieting and other fat loss methods. However, since carb cycling involves...
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The Secrets of Carb Cycling for Fast Fat Loss

Saturday, 19 October 2013
Carb cycling is a method that many fitness models and professional athletes use to trim off their body fat and get into shape. It is a highly effective tool for losing fat fast. Yet, most people who are struggling to lose weight have no idea about this method. They spend countless hours on the treadmill or pounding the tracks only to see measly results. Carb cycling requires one to adopt a cyclic ketogenic diet. That's a big...
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The Best Way to Train While Carb Cycling

Saturday, 19 October 2013
Carb cycling involves staggering periods of low carb consumption with a high carb day or days. During the low carb days, the body’s insulin levels and blood sugar levels will be stable and low. This is ideal for fat burning. After a few days of being on a low carb diet, the body’s metabolism will naturally start to dip. That’s when...
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The 3 Pillars of Weight Loss You Really Must Know

Saturday, 19 October 2013
Obesity is on the rise all over the world. The reasons for this are poor food choices and a lack of information regarding fat loss. Sure, everyone knows that you need to eat less and exercise more but that is not enough. Every single day, thousands of people quit exercising, going to the gym, eating right and just give up on their fat loss goals. They do this because they do not see results fast enough or in some cases, they...
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Is Carb Cycling Suitable For Women?

Saturday, 19 October 2013
There are several misconceptions about fitness, fat loss and resistance training. Women often consider resistance training a ‘man thing’. Grunting and lifting heavy weights if for huge, smelly and muscly guys. Similarly, other concepts such as carb cycling is for men while fad diets at the local health store, are better for women is quite...
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How to Lose Fat Without Losing Motivation

Saturday, 19 October 2013
The number #1 reason most people give up on their weight loss goals is because they lose motivation. Losing weight is not an easy process. It requires sacrifice and hard work. You'll need to give up your favorite foods and eat right. To make things tougher, you'll also have to engage in cardio and resistance training to burn off the fat. Now, it's not the diet or exercise that makes people quit. It is the failure to see results...
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Find Out Probably The Most Effective Fat Loss Method

Saturday, 19 October 2013
This article will reveal to you one of the best fat loss methods on the planet. It will give you results so fast that you will be stunned. Just about everyone who adopted this method lose weight very quickly. There is a catch though. This method takes discipline and it will take your body about a week or two to adjust to it but once it...
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Are Carbs Your Enemy? Find Out the Real Truth

Saturday, 19 October 2013
Carbs which are short for carbohydrates have received a real bad reputation. Nobody serious about losing weight is showing carbs any love. There are low carb diets, no carb diets, etc. Even celebrities have come out and said that they barely consume any carbs to maintain their slim, toned figures. So, are carbs really bad for you? Carbs can be good and bad for you. When consumed at the right times, carbs can in fact help to...
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5 Fat Loss Tips You Can Use Today

Saturday, 19 October 2013
A survey that was recently conducted showed that the number one New Year resolution broken by most people is the one concerning weight loss, getting in shape or going to the gym more often. Gym membership sales always peak around December to end January. However, by March or early April, most of these new members 'disappear' and just stop...
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5 Facts About Carb Cycling You Must Know!

Saturday, 19 October 2013
Carb cycling is one of the most efficient methods of losing fat. Fitness models and bodybuilding pros will swear by it as the ideal method of leaning down and lowering their bodyfat percentage. Basically, carb cycling is a technique which uses "high carbohydrate days" mixed with periods of 'low carb days". For example, you may go four...
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4 Common Carb Cycling Mistakes You Should Never Make

Saturday, 19 October 2013
Carb cycling can be simply explained as a form of zig zag dieting. It is a method which uses a period of low carb days with a high carb day every now and then. The theory behind this is that during the low carb days, your body will be in fat burning mode. However, due to the low carbs, it will slowly become more sluggish and your metabolism...
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Three Crucial Components For Fat Loss

Saturday, 19 October 2013
This may have happened to you or you may know someone it has happened to. You're trying to lose weight so you're doing the whole exercise and diet thing. You're eating the six small meals, doing the cardio and even hitting the weights.... but... The fat is just NOT coming off! This is mental torture! Why will it not work? Why? As with most problems, the solution is simple. You just need to know it. This article will tell...
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