Find Out Probably The Most Effective Fat Loss Method

Saturday, 19 October 2013
This article will reveal to you one of the best fat loss methods on the planet. It will give you results so fast that you will be stunned. Just about everyone who adopted this method lose weight very quickly.

There is a catch though. This method takes discipline and it will take your body about a week or two to adjust to it but once it does, you'll shed the fat fast and furiously.

This method is known as intermittent fasting. Many trainers in the fitness industry know about this but most of the general public is unaware of this unique method that was developed by Martin Berkhan and his Lean Gains philosophy. The intermittent fasting method becomes even more powerful when you combine it with Shaun Hadsall's, 4 Cycle Fat Loss program. Nothing can stop you then and you will achieve your dream body, if you stick with the plan.

Most people trying to lose weight would have heard of low carb diets, eating small meals a day, etc. Intermittent fasting however is much simpler, in concept. When you adopt intermittent fasting, you will split your day into 2 parts.

The first part is the fasting phase. This lasts for 16 hours continuously. You are not allowed to consume any food or calorie laden drinks. You may guzzle as much water as you wish though. In fact, it is highly recommended that you drink lots of water.

The second part is the feeding phase. This lasts for 8 hours. During these 8 hours, you must consume all your required calories for the day. Of course, you will need to be at a caloric deficit. You can calculate your caloric requirements by visiting you

Once you have determined your caloric deficit number, you will need to consume all of these calories within the eight hours eating window. That means you can have 3 large meals during the 8 hour window. It's so much simpler than eating 6 small meals which can be highly inconvenient if you're working a job that does not allow you to keep running off to eat small meals.

The theory behind intermittent fasting is that the body will have 16 hours to burn off all the food you ate. Usually this is done in about 5 hours. For the remaining 11 hours during the fasted state, your body will have no choice but to burn its fat stores for energy. It's a very effective plan.

The difficulty arises when people are unable to get over the hump of just trying to eat for only 8 hours a day. Many people eat round the clock as and when they like. This means that even while sleeping, the body is digesting food. How on earth are you going to lose weight?

Adopt the intermittent fasting method and your fat loss results will go through the roof. Of course, it really helps if you know how to combine your nutrients and how to exercise effectively to lose weight. Did you know that 20 minutes of intense cardio can be more beneficial than 60 minutes of slow jogging?

You may learn some of the best weight loss methods and trips by visiting The 4 Cycle Fat Loss Solution website. You will gain all the info you need to lose weight fast and keep fat away. It doesn't get better than that!

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