5 Fat Loss Tips You Can Use Today

Saturday, 19 October 2013
A survey that was recently conducted showed that the number one New Year resolution broken by most people is the one concerning weight loss, getting in shape or going to the gym more often. Gym membership sales always peak around December to end January. However, by March or early April, most of these new members 'disappear' and just stop showing up.

The big question is... WHY?

Why do people quit their training? Why do they lose motivation? Why do they waste money?

The answer is simple. People quit because losing weight is really tough and it's not an overnight process. The concept of weight loss is simple. Application however, is difficult. Understanding that you need to burn more calories than you consume is easy. Giving up that yummy pizza that is just so tempting is difficult.

When pople don't see results fast after all that suffering and sacrifice, they lose motivation.  They give up. They quietly forget about their resolution... till the next New Year.

This article was written with 5 tips to help you lose more weight in the same period of time with the same amount of exercise. These tips are courtesy of Shaun Hadsall, who wrote the very popular guide, The 4 Cycle Solution. The highly effective guide helps people lose as much fat as possible in the shortest time possible. It's a bestseller.

1. Use the 5 tips below and combine them with a sensible training program and you will see results much faster. Make no mistake. It won't happen overnight, but you will see faster results than the average person who doesn't have a clue about losing weight.

2. Cut out wheat and limit your intake of grains. This one action alone will help you greatly. Avoiding the morning cereals and other wheat based products as these will cause blood sugar spikes and raise your insulin levels. Yup! That means giving up your favorite whole wheat bread too.

3. Avoid corn, soy products and all types of fructose, especially high fructose corn syrup. Most processed foods contain one or all of these ingredients. Sodas are a huge cause of obesity in the United States. Guzzling sodas has led to all kinds of health problems and despite knowing this, people still drink more soda than water in a day. It's insane!

4. Try to limit your intake of dairy to one or two servings daily and avoid consuming store bought milk. If you must consume milk, do it on weight/resistance days within one hour afterwards to take advantage of the extra insulin and milk sugars. This may be contrary to what you have heard that milk is good for you and your bones, etc. Nevertheless, if you're trying to lose fat, lose the milk.

Try to buy your dairy, eggs, meats and produce from a local farm or local farmer's market. You can find some of the healthiest, best tasting foods in the world at dirt cheap prices at these local markets.

5. Avoid canola oil and all vegetable based oils and stick with small amounts of extra virgin olive oils, coconut oils and grass fed butter.
These 5 tips revolve around your diet because 75 percent of your weight loss depends on your diet. Changing your diet will have tremendous positive effects on your health and fat loss.

The above tips are just the tip of the iceberg. There are many more changes you can make to both your diet and exercise. Small changes that have huge results. You can learn more by visiting The 4 Cycle Fat Loss Solution website. You will be amazed.

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